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How will my patient get the Color test if I order it?
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Written by Color Support
Updated over 6 years ago

Once you place an order, specify the test type and whether your patient will purchase Color online or use a Color kit from your office. 

  • If you indicate that your patient will purchase online, we will email them a requisition number. Your patient uses the provided requisition number to purchase Color, covers the cost of testing plus shipping and handling themselves, and then provides a saliva sample at home. Patients can also provide their personal and family health history through our secure web portal.

  • If you indicate that you will collect a sample from your patient in the office, make sure you record the kit’s barcode and accession number. You will need this information when placing the order. We will email your patient with instructions to follow up at home and create their Color account. 

When your patient’s results are ready, you will receive an email prompting you to log in to your Color Provider Platform account and view the results. You will also receive a copy of the results via fax. If you do not have a Color Provider Platform account, all results will be returned to you by fax only. At the time of ordering, you can choose if results are released at the same time to your patient, or after a delay. Your patient can then sign into their account on Color's website to view their results.

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