If you do not yet have an account:
Create an account in your name.
Use this link to create a new account.
Enter your first and last name, your email address, and a secure password.
Remember: the account holder should be the parent/guardian, not the dependent.
2. On the welcome page, click “Add Dependent.”
3. Enter your dependent’s name and date of birth. Click the certification checkbox.
4. Enter the email or ID that your program has told you to use for eligibility
verification for your dependent. The ID may be an employee or student ID, or a
code provided by the program sponsor.
To switch between accounts, use the dropdown menu.
If you have an account already:
Sign in to your account.
On the welcome page, click “Add Dependent.”
Enter your dependent’s name and date of birth. Click the certification checkbox.
Enter the email or ID that your program has told you to use for eligibility verification for your dependent. The ID may be an employee or student ID, or a code provided by the program sponsor.
To switch between accounts, use the dropdown menu.