Benefits, risks, and limitations of genetic testing
Genetic testing can help to understand your risk for cancer and other conditions.
Color’s genetic test can be done at-home, when it’s convenient for you.
Your results can help guide you and your doctor as you create a health plan. You may learn information like what age to start screening for cancer and heart disease, or if your genes indicate an increased risk of side effects for certain medications.
You could discover something that could help explain the history of your health condition.
Genetic information is important, but it doesn’t explain everything. Most cancers, heart diseases, and reactions to medications are not inherited, and are strongly influenced by other factors such as lifestyle, environment, and family history.
There are a lot of genes that can affect your health risks. This test does not look at all of them.
The genetic code you are born with won’t change. But it’s possible that our understanding of your genetic code may change over time. Genetics is a growing body of knowledge that changes rapidly. If advancements in the underlying science affect your results in the future, we’ll let you know.
This test cannot be performed if you’ve had a bone marrow transplant from a donor, a blood transfusion within the last 7 days, or currently have a blood cancer.
Learning about your genetic risk for a disease can cause anxiety, depression, or other emotional reactions.
Genetic information often has implications for family members, which can impact family dynamics and relationships.